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98 faz $ 129-131. war one: (the mat is scarcely to be made by you), zuruta: . S R. 3, 5, 23 In fact, H however, , , , r are often construed with the ge- nitive. Daç. 72 fanta, R. 2, 97, 7 h 4 et fut, Kathas. 24, 65 f 1 fondata fe 4. 130. When used with the verb substantive expressed Dative- like or implied, the dative-like genitive is not seldom to have, equivalent to our verb to have. Pat. I, 427 one asks gen. the other ad gennena zadi elef: (how many children have you? how many wives?). Cp. the Latin phrase est mihi filius. Ait. Br. 7, 13, 1 , Çak. If at af g(I have something else to ask you about), Panc. 166 NOHÍ VÀ Haf (men make money, if they go abroad). Likewise in such terms as fa da (what have I [to meddle, to do] with him?), ep. 88 R. 2. 131. The dative-like genitive attends even on verbs. Mrech. Dat.- like go- X, p. 375 ft ge- nitive 114 (what is to be done with to this wicked man) and ibid. X, p. 384 fai: fēnuru verbs. ud (what is to be done for this monk?) are striking examples of the sixth case used so. It is especially verbs of doing good or evil (as 3, A4, AVEN, SUPTED), (to trust), ª (to forbear) and some others which partake of this idiom, its concurrent construction being the locative, rarely, if at all, the dative ¹). Examples: R. Gorr. 4, 38, 47 fanyagafa faqat (you Ag 1) touch with fan, I do not remember having met with any instance of their agreeing with a dative; governs a dative Bhatt. 4, 39. Upon the whole, the dative of profit and damage within its narrower limite is very scarce in Sanskrit, ep. 84. ..