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132*. § 132, 132*. 6. M 9,99gíasna gazza daà (she has been promised to one and given to another). 7. Panc. 235 fä aan u (does he please you?), 8. R. 2, 100, 33 : gaf (servants are moved with anger against their master), Cak. VII afaga gfa: graf: (people bow to one), R.

(the crow prostrated himself

9. Var. Yog. 2, 32 genea qurafia II, sarga 96*, 47 Fauchent Flade to the magnanimous Râma). 101 Rem. Even (to believe) is met with gen. Ait. Br. 1, 6, 11 a agat aanàvi af he does not believe others, however many). The dative of the purpose is not interchangeable with the genitive ¹) 1) In the pråkṛts even then. It is singular, that an observer as accu- rate, as Panini is, should have overlooked the important function of the dative-like genitivo. A rule of his, indeed, mentions the sixth case an (2, 3, 62), but the word fadded and the examples proffered by tradition show that according to the vulgar interpretation we have here a very special enjoinment, closely connected to the pre- ceding sutra (61), not one of general hearing. Yet I greatly doubt the exactness of that explication, by which the word is quite superfluous, as needs must be repeated from s. 61, and this suffices for the vulgar interpretation. Perhaps we may remove the technical difficulty by an other distribution of the words, that make up sûtra 61-63. When read uno tenore, we get togaléfaut tanıázqà . It would be convenient both to the in- ternal probability and to the simplicity of the interpretation, if they are divided in this but slightly different manner: 61. augate faut Zankderà, 62. 63. According to this partition,Panini, after having given in 61 a special rule about the gen. being employed in some formulae of sacrificing, adds in 62 the general enjoinment that in many cases, where the dative is required mark age, which encompass- es by far more than égà -the genitive is likewise available, either by preference, or optionally, but not in all. For thus is the meaning of ARMY: anfarnata: facuata fafactor facraca faufau put am anfay ang P (see BOETHLINGK Panini II, p. 82). - As to sutra 63 it offers no difficulty in itself, but disturbs the methodical arrangement