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102 § 133. CHAPTER VIII. Locative ¹). 133. The seventh case or locative serves to signify the Loca- tive of scene of the action. Its power is expressed by English the spot where. prepositions, as in, on, at, among, with, by, near. It has not only the duty of pointing out the spot where, but also the spot whither. In other terms, someti- mes it answers Lat. in with abl., sometimes in with accus. A. Locative of the spot where. Here we must make the following distinctions. - a.) the locative conveys the notion of being within, in. M. 1, 9 ia (in this [egg] Brahman himself was born), (sporting in the water of the Ganges), a Daç, 156 ibid. 179 fafarae a facut aauf. b.) it denotes a surface, trodden or touched: on, upon, over, at. Panc. 07 (an ass was seen on TA ciedad quy that cemetery), R. 3, 5, 10 ] aranhai youà a qÚA (courtesans, holding fans, waved them over his head), Panc. 331 à a axun đệt qradia fafa (and those fishes are being boiled over - of the rules which treat of the employment of the genitive (2, 3, 50-78). For this reason I consider it an additional rule, interpolated at an un- proper place we had rather expected it between s. 51 and 52 80 as to obscurate by its close following the sûtra 62, the right understanding of the latter. That there are several rules in our Pânini, which did not belong to the original work, but were at the ontset vârttikâs, which afterwards have been taken up in the text, is a fact now universally acknowledged. As concerns the s. 63, I remark, that many other vaidik gen. partitives with verhs (119) are not mentioned by Panini, and that the seeming anomaly of as (ep. 45 R.) must have drawn special attention for all that regarded that verb; in a time as early as PATANJALI, it was already considered to have something peculiar, sec his comment on P. 1, 4, 32= Pat. I, p. 331 (in the Kâçikâ his words are wrongly indicated as if they were a varttikà). 1) See DELBRÜCx Ablativ, Localis, Instrumentalis p. 27-49.