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§ 133-134. 1083 the fire), Daç. 140 fam à fafamai yo fandsyn (my father laid down on the naked earth), ibid. 141 ff. c.) it signifies the dominion or territory: in, at, on, Latin apud, in. Pane, 1 là sau afgante ma ama, ibid. 319 rafa (in the royal palace there was a flock of rams), Kumaras. 5, 60 ory (fruits are seen on the trees). So q (in the country of the Paneâlâs), g (at Benares), Mhbh, 1, 31, 18 afire fawad an: (he has been made Lord over the three worlds); ep. 111 R. d.) it indicates something very near, though not di- rectly touched: near, on, about ¹). Mhbh. 1, 170, 3 àeni ştai quş-eg: (Pându's sons pitched tents near the Ganges), Hitop. 29 at ná da altt enda fauf (otherwise I will kill my- self by starvation at your door). So Kåd. I, p. 39 à is used, while meaning >about which spot." e.) it is expressive of among, amid. Nala 1, 13 ag a day arguant fani maggfa règ gefa a ga (neither among devas nor yakshas nor men nor among other beings such a beauty has been seen nor heard of anywhere), Daç. 124 Y SU araf (this report spread among the townsmen and the countrymen). Cp. 116. All these variegations are mixed up in the general notion, carried by the seventh case. Greater precision, if wanted, may be obtained by using periphrasing turns, as the prepos. (within), or such words as , da, q8, ghed, H, etc. See 165, 190, 192. B. Locative of the spot whither. It attends of course verbs and verbal nouns of moving, such as to go, start, to lead, to send. Ch. Up. 2, 24, 5 Qa pa (I shall go to the world of him, in whose behalf the sacrifice is performed), Panc. 321: (he set out to the forest), ibid. 41 dìuafafa am ofrua:, ibid, 269 mªnatà aug đìn: 1) This is the so called 134. Loca- tive of On the spot to whi- ther. i