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191. qe and 192. § 190-193. fa a.) being within. Panc. 259 - #ga; ibid. 67 alca: afafasi z; fff; b.) getting within. Panc. 246 - ışuad-

(he disappeared in a crowd of brahmans); ibid. 39 T

464và a nàzx4; – e.) coming from within. Panc. 38 kad mar zapat mat a gafa (never at day nor at night he draws the money out of his belt), ibid. 70 : af aung faqulat dia: agfea: (then, the echo caused a noise twice as heavy to go up from the interior of the pit). Rem. may occasionally be with respect to, concerning." So R. 2, 90, 16; cp. the same meaning of 166, 4º. As to see 167. - 193. 137 and are often used in a partitive sense; then they are concurrent idioms of the partitive cases, see 116, Rem. 2. Pane. 120 là ay maa; ibid. 86 आ archion: maa (among them, the crow spoke). The locative denoting ,on or in what spot", is often specified by means of such words as TÀ, SEGA, O of t etc. serving for peri- , ,sim. When translating such tatpurushas, the loca- these latter members must generally be rendered by of tive. prepositions: in, upon, over etc. Pat. I, 123: falà ta framf amante (that smoke being in the atmo- sphere, it does not go athwart, if the air be calm, nor falls down), Daç. 169 af fader (he saw somebody moving on the earth). Rem. Likewise farà may periphrase the metaphorical sense of the locative, as Bhâg. Pur. 1, 4, 13 rat fauà ai think you are accomplished in grammar), Panc. 173 faut (I

(one must not be grieved for the sake of earthly goods).

So often a favù »in this respect." Several periphrasing words may signify for the sake of, because of, for, viz. 1. , used almost as a real