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hd, anti AR- 138 § 193. preposition, 2.: the ablative 1) of

etc., cx- pressive of (matter, sake), 4. the instrum., accus, and abl. of ma cause, mo- tive, aim. and cause, motive." They are construed with preceding genitive, if they do not make up the latter part of a compound. Examples: 1. . Pane. IV, 29 an vit meda (one must not spend much for the sake of little); Mrech. IV, p. 131 out a facitat: ; Fanc. IV, 51 a (the ass was killed for his voice). tant en: 2.:. Bhagavadgîtâ 1,35 mi.... va Solaar kuza for (them I would not kill.... not even for the sake J of the realm of the three worlds, how much less for the posses- sion of land); Çak. V agafayftare: foud alaeal: (while not caring for your own pleasure, you tire yourself for the sake of your people); Ragh. 2,47 g affraan 46: aff ndig (you seem to me a thoughtless fool, that you desire to give up much for a trifle); Málat. IV, p. 65 Madamedì: stia- Note

(why?), na n: (for some motive)

- - GETTO and the like, " and , the acc., dat. and loc. of „motive,” 3. — - l D >>> 1) It is not quite plain, how Pânini did account for . Yet, his commentators and followers consider it a genitive, and it is very likely, he has thought so himself. At least, we nay draw the inference. After having taught in his sûtra 2, 3, 26 as quam, that is the genitive is required [instead of the instrum. of causality] when employing , he adds this clause (s. 27) but in the case of a prononn of the class sarva etc., either the gen. or the instrum." With the said pronouns it is therefore allowed to use two idioms promiscuously - f. i. anter : and but for the rest the only idiom available is that, which is exemplified by ga . Now, as are both instrumentals, it is but consistent that of iliom, both elements are meant as genitives. - and the parallel 1 Then, of course

must also be considered as genitives both. The very words of Panini

do not admit of another interpretation.