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$ 193. 3. a.). Pane. 169 za gfanuf: (he is gone to the same bank for water), ibid. 212 Soft akaura gafon: ( set out in order to kill the crows), Mr ech, III, p. 116 FACUT Accuura demann, R. 3, 35, 3y afrit (he made up his mind to fetch the amrta). It is plain, that w is in all such phrases the equivalent of a final dative. Cp. 87. b.) zafu. Mhbh. 1, 144, 17 ♬ ngigrarà qusarafu afafan (they will not reprove us for the sake of the Pândavas); Pane. III, 178 po pa fermena askal anfeat yo: (no ruler but a monarch promotes the welfare of his country), here frafa is - fam, ep. Nala 13, 19. c.) . - — 139 34 Mrech. III, p. 116 and Panc. 325 # vnfatizre: fan (it is for evil days, that wealth and friends are sought after), R. 2, 118, 53 fan urft amurenfa ar (U. has been given to L. to be his wife) [aff accordingly = for af, ep. ibid. 3, 34, 21; Mhbh. 1, 14, 7]. 4. A etc. - Daç. 25 nafsu (he has died. for a brahman), Pane. 228 mmaulugan haññãà zufale nat, Mhhh. 12, 342, 23 grudufà fe manaffengantin : (it is because of his adultery with Ahalyâ, that Indra got a reddish But however great the authority of Panini may be, as it is, when he states facts and describes phenomena, there is no plansible reason to follow it, where his explication of them is wrong. To him, who did not know but one language, could appear as a genitive, but for us, who have the opportunity of comparing similar idioms in different languages, f. ex. Latin causé and gratiâ, English because of, it is impossible not to take for an ablative of causality. By doing we account for the idiom in question in a quite satisfactory manner. Therefore: is to be compared with Latin cujus rei causa, not with qua de causa, the Sanskrit equivalent of which is SO at:. reminds me of the vårtt. on P. 2, 3, 27 afat 14. This precept is strictly true by itself - shows sufficiently that it must not be urged too much be said with some reason, Pânini has left out this rule, as he did not want to enjoin it at all. ar vienu the word a but it cannot