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other ge- rands. $ 144 asia. § 202. 1. those, expressing and Taluſ, when = „with;" concomitancy, as EI 2. such as are expressive of separation, as , affual, apcusu sim., as they are = ,save, except, since." Examples: of 1.- Çak. III : fama galala sa1-19: netrar. (enters a sacrificer's disciple with kuçagrass); Panc. 173 A (he came with money); R. 3, 24, 12 rat at.... et TET- (retire with Sità into a cavern). They are especially of use to point out the attributes or tools one takes along. Panc. III, 143 [ou]RENG ni dan Aruña a f; Kathâs. 21, 134. of 2. but for;" 3. such as serve to denote the instrument, means, manner, in short, to periphrase the third case, as Antaly, anthra, Hantu, #84; 4. faaly and ſtr when - Lat. prae ,in prefe- rence to;" 5. 1 - gent, ast Pane. 203 uff dan fazla (there is no other path, fural, except duty); R. 1, 67, 19 Aùgu at: cỡ ઠada menarural frust. for at ta (and all the people fell down, confounded at a by that sound, save Viçvâmitra, Janaka and the two Raghuides); Panc. 273 meting offer a forfan (I have caught to day not a single animal except this brat of a chacal). NB. Another implement of the same purport as T etc. is as, always making up the latter part of a compound adverb. Var. Brb. 47, 28 af f g fant gammasiy (all that has been told at large by the old seers, I have ex- plained, save the repetitions). of 3. — R. 1, 16, 2 zara: a`ì dù ara pratantùvà: get: cové a entend Az-argfamoch¶__ (what way, ye gods, may lead to the death of that prince of Râxasas, by which means I may kill the disturber