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Suffixes, derivative suffixe as denoting, Possession as 03rt. 172 > 228. Typical com. pounds. sometimes added even to bahu- Now, sometimes, these suffixes are added even then, if they are in no ways necessary for the understanding. So R. 3, 15, 11 vrihis. q: fimfafi:..... par afart (a pond charming by its sweet algaun gai.. scented lotuses), likewise Panc. 53 the weaver, who has assumed the attributes of Vishnu, is said to be fagfafen: = facut Far, Bhoj. 2 a brahman is said farraigua and Faun g. In these cases no suffix was required, for the bahu- vrihis fine, faute, tofauteng would be quite regular and plain. Compare Panc. I, 46 gauigfoot geat = goufyon year. This rather pleonastic idiom is compounds. Grammarians teach readily added to compounds in a especially used in some standing and practice confirms 3 being , qat, sal, , , ,, auf. P. 5, 2, a 0 r 132. TYPICAL COMPOUNDS. So I call such compounds whose latter element is almost used in a typical sense, which is more or less remote from their primitive meaning. By them the great importance of compounding for Sanskrit com- position appears best. Such among them, as are fit for periphrasing case-relations, have already been dealt with in Chapter IX, especially 188-196. Of the others the most remarkable are: 1. those in § 227-228. ,, HU, °3d, 3d etc. (having to the substantive, as *öd (fiery), G 128. a son) and the like. Of these suffixes, is very common¹). Kathas. 24, 9 ft guson fac: asin oprema (a divine person P.5, 2, descended wearing a diadem, earrings and a sword), ep. R. 3, 50, 21. They may also be put to dvandvas. Mhbh. 1, 126, 21 erf (wea- ring tresses and a deer-skin), Pat. I, p. 1 ziylaşacca ge fanfūzi de facturadi [] ♥ 1) See P. 5. 2, 115, 116; 128 with the vårttikas on them.