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X, Aich, 3 etc. § 228 229. on," 2. those in and to make adverbs of manner, 3. those in 229. 1. parately. rifd, which are expressive of „and so , which may serve formerly —,” m ticle, those in her, , almost," 6. those in , if mely," 7. those in of some" or other." And so on. 4. those in , which does duty of a limitative par- being nearly the same as , 5. Q ¿ 173 = To give a fuller account of them, we will treat of them se- 2 1. Those in af, nfer, nd, auf are hahuvrthis, meaning properly the beginning of which is Pela Fallery arat M. 1, 50 stands Brahmâ, end here). and the like." Panc. 8 farmfficht: cano (he per- formed in his honour all the funeral rites, viz. the vrshotsarga etc.), Hit. 123 gavpif qui faci (bestow on them presents of the king's favour, gold, clothes and so on), Pane. 62 - va qop: (all [aquatic animals], fishes, tortoises etc. -). In these examples the compounds are adjectives, but often they are used as substantives too [see note 1 on p. 165], as Bhoj. 64 # arquya: lewe vd atau enusquatanghafam ardı Hag KAN THA Vale des Pane. 27 ugya qız Avelká aud m (from to-day it is you by whom favour, punishment, etc. are to be administered.) 2. ºqar 2. When adjectives, those in and may have the gr. same purport as those in af etc. Pane, 20 fagy HT: ya urad = (all of them, tigers, panters, wolves and the rest). When adverbs, the latter member is almost meaningless: atía rà. Hit. 7 eu aguldytaj gatzanfar (respectfully he gave over his sons to him). , A, to express „nearly, may be rendered by „na- , when having the worth > as is still plain f. i. in

(the existences, at the head of which

Commonly they are expressive of »etc.;