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3. Unya and the like. 174 § 229. »having been formerly so and 3. Those in q may also signify so," but now being so no more: rich," : (of old). N. 1, 13

sone who once has been

fegat (never seen before), Çāk. VI truyógai makant zefa ugao (indeed, I once have wedded secretly the Lady Çak.) ¹). are bahuvrihis, used as substantives may be trans- O of the neuter, and properly have the meaning >the exact measure (T) of which is " Yet, as a rule they are used as if their latter member were some limitative particle and lated by »but, only." Prabodh. I, p. 13 F (it is but a vain f rumour), Panc. 192 ‚ìsía à atenàonò Azturà a aftuff (nobody will make you his friend only on account of your voice), R. 3, 71, 22 44 This translation, however, does not suit all instances. Sometimes a signifies, that the whole class is meant, not single individuals belonging to it. Pat. I, p. 242 atanit Terrali hi vaf SIUH A của Eki a đônan (since it is said: »one may not hurt a brahman, nor drink strong liquor", one does not hurt anybody, that is named brahman, nor drinks anything, to which the appellation strong liquor" is applicable). Comm. on R. 2, 12, 100 at an and Axa (the king seeing the foul conduct of K., by his sorrow chides the whole feminine sex). In this meaning "ma is almost synonymous, as Daç. 22 stizangstaraua (he obtained the cauda, the upa- nayana, in short the whole set of sacraments), Bhoj. 62 #faacifu antung uftasidated and @) Adjectt. 6) is also put to participles; then it is an adjective and in . signifies as soon as " Pane. III, 3 mà me qui dùa (one must - • abate a foe, as soon as he has arisen), ibid, p. 58 ani się kuc at adu: kury:, Kathas. 36, 111, etc. Rem. The adjectival employment of those in is however 7

  • ). 4. ) Compounds in

— i 1) One is wont to analyze aud: by : and so on, see f. i. Kâç.on P. 5, 3, 53, but that analysis does not givo a satisfactory account of the nature of the compound. It the adverb were compounded with the noun , one would expect qaya in the same way, as f. i. M. 9, 267 T: people who have formerly been thieves."