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§ 229. 5. , 07 not restricted to the case that the former member is a participle. See but Panc. II, 95 anggran a fosì fę van…… yt: (poor people do but bear the name of men, as they are of no use whatsoever). 5. »Almost, nearly, like" is signified by a, sa, Za, ma, , which have almost got the nature of pure formal suffixes, and, "a indeed, the former three are taught as such by Pânini (5, 3, 67). Of them, those in and are are the most frequent. R. 3, 16, 39 ancu Ruydenoutta (speech like ambrosia), Kumâras. 3, 14 D A: alaagchun (you have nearly engaged yourself to do our affair), Kathas. 6, 51 : tulagat fazur fr (some Sâmavedin was thus addressed by somebody like a rake), Målat. IX, p. 149 por quafdatua : (in this mauner all my hope is almost gone), Panc. 202 fra : (gone to a country, where a good deal of the paddy was ripe), Daç. 78 fameuawt (this way of unrighteousness, full of deception). Those in are, indeed, bahuvrihis, to be analyzed thus: »the greater part of which is -," just as those in the properly are= »the man- ner or mode of which is Q " O 39 D 6. Those in a are likewise adjectives. As a means not only »shape, form" in general, but also »a beautiful shape, à beauty,' so the bahuvrihis ending in it admit of either acceptation. Pâṇini (5, 3, 66) mentions the latter, when teaching such compounds a agua, cafaq to be praise-denoting. ¹) But, in practice, those in " are not often met with in this meaning, by far oftener they are employed for the sake of qualifying some general kind by describing its species. Then we may often translate them by means of »f. i.; viz." Instances are chiefly found in commen- taries and the like. Sây. on Ait. Br. 2, 37, 1 [p. 272 ed. Aufrecht] pas ate:. 6. - 175 1) Panini speaks of as of a taddhita. Kâç. when commenting on our sutra shows y to be used to signify the highest pitch of a quality, as tugar i faaf. Blame, inversely, is expressed by (P. 5, 3, 47), as in this verse of Bhojapr. (p. 7) Enega at ◄ anà a yar yur: (the attendant, who does not exert himself, when ordered by his master, is a bad attendant). na compounds in