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1. cafu. 8. faster. 9. 10. fatu. 176 § 229-230. 7. Bahuvrihis in afa (limit) may be synonymous of utan in both of its acceptations (169 with Rem.). See f. i. Kathẳs. 4, 100 graaf (till I shall have come back); 52, 146. 8. Tatpurushas in fay, when meaning »excellent species," are expressive of something » first-rate, excellent." See f. i. Ragh. 2, 7. 9. Tatpurushas in are often to be rendered by some" or other." Properly speaking, #, fast: and : mean variety, species," and as a variety of something" is something different", the transition of meaning may easily be accounted for. - Mâlav. III, p. 60 napyu26 nemam (v. a. the lady has changed her former attitude to another), Panc. I, 132 Tughời aú casa (the fruit of good and evil deeds comes instantly, when from the king, but in some other existence, when from Destiny), ibid. p. 88 si ad 1301e four à a g (one cannot dwell among wicked people, for they will hurt you by some means or other). The proper meaning of is FLORE not rarely transparent, as in the example quoted first. Likewise Panc. 248 af, Pane. 205 gaf ons (I do not hear distinctly, of what kind of things you speak). 10. Tatpurushas in af: may denote, that the action spoken of is done »in due form." Panc. I, 335 ff..... agrà Chec Da 80 audem fafuayan (in his house I gave a stylish dinner). Daç. mm This list may be easily enlarged. FINAL OBSERVATIONS, 280. Any Sanskrit compound belongs to one of the great classes mentioned before. Now, as not only the members of a compound but even their constituent elements. may he compounds themselves, hence arises an almost unlimited freedom of enlarging compounds by taking up into them all sorts of nouns or adverbs serving to qualify the whole of the compound or part of it. In this way, very large and very intricate compounds are