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188 247. § 246-248. nerally some word added, as 14, etc. Mhbh. 1, 143, 3 ÐÅ ¶¶ls; §¶&laquedª ya (this great assembly is the most pleasing on earth). But for the rest. it signifies excellency among three or more, the com- parative being destined for denoting it between twó. Of two bróthers one is the sului, the other hald of more one the sig, another the ing 246. Yet carelessness in the employment of comparative and super- Careless- lative is not rare in Sanskrit. ¹) Sometimes the comparative is used ness in their em instead of the superlative. Pat. I, p. 77 arafe de gagnvart ployment. Hard à su: gat sa à at sa à car - instead of afry. sá sá Panc. I, 408 it is said that of the shadgunya the danda is the worst expedient, here we find rar, not af, ibid. p. 305 among four individuals one is said the at: 2). Sometimes again the superlative is used instead of the com-. parative. Kathâs. 43, 23 of two brothers one calls himself afy, and his brother. Panc. 113 a falou: (a mischief of either king or minister). Cp. ibid. V, 36 fautar ats- (judgment is better than learning), here the superl, is of necessity, as the comp. does not purport the meaning of excellency. For a different reasona a superl. as to its form, is the equivalent of both first" and former." So f. i. Málav. II, p. 35 #antaran: anda a cami : (of whom of these two honourable professors shall we see the performance the first f). The suffixes and may be put even to substantives. Instances are scarce in the classic language 3). Panc. 326 >> 1) Further investigation will decide for how much of that seeming irregularity we are indebted to the faults and the sloth of copyists, and how much of it is really good Sanskrit. and WHITNEY Sanskr. Gram- 3) They are somewhat more frequent in the ancient dialect, see WHITNEY § 473, al. 1. Classic Sanskrit possesses some, which have a special meaning, as : (mule), arany: (Ragh. 3, 32) an older calf." 2) As to the form cp. R. 2, 12, 26 ³ mar § 473, al. 4.