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§ 247--250. fa: (and he [the horse-thief] examined all the horses, saw that the râzasa [who had assumed the figure of a horse] was the best of them [liter. »the most horse"] and mounted him). 249. 189 248. The comparative and superlative being wanted to do Degrees of duty of adverbs, they are put in the accus. of the neu- în adverbs. ter, just as is done with all other adjectives (55). So is adverb of I, AT of 90:, etc. Pat. I, p. 10 a huge : a (will they, who have studied [grammar], apply words the better?); Çak. IV ufag na mun off. Degrees of comparison may be made from undecli- nable words; then they end in and 1¶ as JÃ- (exceedingly charm- TT (higher). Málav. II, p. 36i ing), ep. P. 1, 2, 35. poufaa- 56. Such comparison is made also of forms, belonging to the P. 5, 3, and finite verb. Instances of comparatives, made from the 3d the like. person of the present not rarely occur in literature. R. 2, 64, 72 (my spirits almost lower). Prabodh. IV, p. 87 fat Moded arutadni a (to lose something gained before grieves. more than having gained nothing at all). Vikram, V, p. 178 ga- faat..... yaş fanfaa (even of an infant-snake the poison is rather strong). Ratn. III, p. 74 44. — Kathâs. 102, 35 we meet "put to a 3d person of the perfect: quama, Instances of the superlative I do not recollect having met with, but they must be or have been not less allowed, as both degrees are equally taught by Pânini. 1). 250. Than with the comparative is expressed by the abla- than with the compa- tive, see 105. But the particles I, II, JT, JYA: rative. are also used for that purpose, especially with H 1) WHITNEY § 473, al. 3 says that both compar. and superl. of verbal forms are » barbarous forms;" for what reason, I do not understand. Is it perhaps, because KALIDâSA wrote barbarons Sanskrit, or because PANINI did not know well the idioms of his language?