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§ 274--275. 275. likewise points at somebody or something known, The pro- its employ- ment. noun and and therefore, like, it is fit for doing duty of the pronoun he, she, it. Yet, they are not synonymous. Like Greek, especially Homeric, , , Tó, it signifies, that the person or thing referred to is well-known, or has been named just before, or will be named forthwith. It is therefore never an enclitic, and is sometimes= Lat. ille, sometimes is the afore said." Hence its fit- ness to be rendered by „the." When referring to the relative T, it may be equivalent to ,he," German derjenige. It is also used to indicate the changing of the subject, f. i. AAS or ÁÌSAS = „the other said, answered." Yet it may as well point at the same throughout a succession of sentences, in which case one is inclined to put it at the head, as Daç. 12 A aqìet ama là que ll tad; Nala 1,5 206 frank anfangruena..... frontyfara.... Bhima king of Vidarbha has been named, it follows ..... duffet ..... makne á (viz. d) a ; [the aforesaid Bh.] lan..... at at a. Cp. also 271, 3º. the examples adduced Examples: 1. of = ille (the well-known, the famous). Çak. VII den feugfa: (the renowned thunderbolt, Indra's at- tribute, Lat. fulmen illud Jovis). 2. af (110) f- »the afore said." Çak. IV Kanva says to Çakuntala fage, here as she" means of course Çarmish thâ; Kathâs. 27, 109 3T- de redaguended for a gerema ùá fiaaten: maa: sguzani unfað mfeudan: (111)à a Mallakad afhaalchaun á í dag afgan ni auntar (112)ats fa afandeni v àla (some teacher of the brâhmaņa class had seven disciples, brahmanas they too. Ones because of famine