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18 § 27. languages It will suffice to notice some more or less remarkable features: 1). Pronouns follow the general rules of agreement. Thus it is Sanskrit to say, as it is Latin to say haec est quaestio, whereas Teutonic dialects always put the pronoun in the neuter sing. Dutch dat is de vraag, Germ. das ist die Frage. Pane. 63 (so is my li velihood), ibid. II, 201 f ; (that is the most im- portant counsel), Cak. VII सिध्यन्ति कर्मसु महत्स्वपि यनियोजया: संभावनागुण- ale tattung (if officers are successful in weighty affairs, im- pute it to the virtue of their masters, who honour them with the execution). Yet there may occur instances, where it would be not possible to observe this rule ¹.) 2) Occasionally the verb will agree with the noun- predicate when standing near, instead of agreeing with the subject. Panc. 263 सर्प ग्राह| सांप्रतं त्वं मे मित्रं जातम् [uot ज्ञात:], M. 9, 294 सप्त प्रकृतयो तास राज्यमुच्यते (these [foresaid] seven ele- ments are named together the seven-membered kingdom), ibid. 2,81 महाव्याहूतयः.... त्रिपदा चैव सावित्री विज्ञेयं ब्रह्मणो मुखम् ( and the three- membered savitri should be considered as the mouth of brahma). chosen name of sâmânádhikaranya, that is the relation existing between samânâdhikaraṇās or words, whose substrate (f) is the same (समान)”, 1) See for inst. Ch. Up. 6, 16, 2 एतदात्म्यमिदं सर्व तत्सत्यं स श्रात्मा तत्तू- . Here is rendered by Prof. Max Müller vit in the Self," in a note he subjoins: >The change of gender in sa for tad is idiomatic. One could not say in Sanskrit tad âtmâ it is the Self, but sa âtma." (Pref. to the Sacr. Books of the East, I, p. XXXVI). Neverthe- less, in the words immediately following , that very idiom seems to be neglected, for the neuter is the predicate of the mase. Here the neuter has been preferred, because of tad and team there is not affirmed a full identity, as it is done with respect to sa and átmâ, but it is only said, tvam is a phenomenal manifestation of tad: »tad (sc. Atmà) is also in you."