Page:Sanskrit syntax (IA cu31924023201183).pdf/35

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ट → $ 27-28. 19 3) Sometimes, in cases of discordance between the grammatical and the real gender or number of à noun, its predicate or attribute will agree with the latter ( constructio ad synesin ) R. 2, 52, 42 त्वां चिन्तयन्तः ARTERT: कृता:

(thinking of thee the subjects do not take food); here

to gat, though grammatically a fem., is added a participle in the mascul. Note in the example quoted the distance by which the attribute is separated from the noun, it qualifies. 28. If the same predicate belongs to more subjects or the same attribute refers to more nouns at the same time, the idiom of Sanskrit is almost like that of other languages. Either the common predicate (attribute) agrees with but one and must be supplied mentally with the others, as Prabodh. III atat mai nater ep. the schol. p. 57 ed. Cale. इयमपि मनोहरम्; Daç. 135 कान्तिमती राज्यमं मम च जीवितमध्यघप्रभृति त्वधीनम् (Kântimati and this kingdom and my own life are at your mercy from this moment). This practically has the same effect as applying the Rem. on b.) of the other alternative, recorded on page 20. - or it has a grammatical expression adequate to its character of being common to more substantives at the same time. In that case: a.) the number required is of course the dual when relating to two individuals, otherwise the plural. रामो लक्ष्मपाश्च महावीरौ; - रामः सीता च लक्ष्मणश्च वन उषिताः Cp. the Rem. + on b.). b.) as to the gender there must be distinguished between persons and things. When relating to persons. of the same sex, the common predicate or attribute is of the same gender: पिता आता च द्वावपि । माता स्वसा च द्वे चपि. When applying to persons of different sex, it is always put in