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X 21 § 31-32. we can learn how to understand a given samânâdhi- karapa, whether a = the old father" or = „the पिता father is old," etc As to their meaning, then, we may distinguish five as classes, I the simple attribute, वृद्धः पिता = the old father," II the so-called predicative-attribute, पिता वृद्धः (= वृद्धः सन्) the father, when old," III the noun - predicate of the sentence, as वृद्धः पिता वृद्धः पिता , the father is 1 " old," IV the noun, wanted by the verb for making up together the predicate of the sentence, as पिता वृद्धः संपद्यते (the father grows old), पितरं वृद्धं मन्यसे (you think the father old), V such a noun, as though for- mally agreeing with the subject or some other substan- tive, really serves to determine the verb, as Daç. 141 qarfa didata: grgar anedeni, मयासि see above, page 11 Rem Of them the formal agreement of class I and II is fully made clear in 27. As to class III see 5. IV. - The noun wanted for completing the predicate 32. is used in many idioms, the most important of which are: Com- pleting attri- bute. a.) it is a nominative, when accompanying verbs of a.) a being, seeming, becoming, growing, remaining, such passives nomi- . native. as to be called, held for, considered, appointed, made, sim. 7 Cak. I मृग एष विप्रकृष्टः संपन्नः (this deer has become distant), Hitop. 92 पक्षिणः सकोपा बभूवुः (the birds grew angry ) Pane. 51 किमेवं त्वम chufand: asula: (why you have swooned so at a sudden ?); Priy. p. 14 कस्मात्प्रदूष्ट इव लक्ष्यसे (why do you look so glad?) Pane. 56 स राजा प्राकार शेषः कृतः (the king was reduced to the possession of nothing but his fortress), Panc. III, 152 m (it is the wife that is called one's »home").