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§ 32. instru- b.) an b.) it is an instrumental, if wanted by a verb of being, mental. becoming, seeming etc. when impersonal passive In this case both subject and noun-predicate are put in the instru- mental Mudr. I गया न शयानेन स्थीयते = श्रहं न शयानस्तिष्ठामि; Daçak 18 बालके सकलकेशस देनाभावि (the baby was strong enough to endure all this toil). 22 भू. This idiom is, of course, obligatory with the krtya's of 'Daçak 164 त्वदनुजीविना राजपुत्रेण भवितव्यम् (the prince deserves to be your attendant ), Panc. 21 तस्य च शब्दानुपेण पराक्रमेण भाव्यम् (and his strength may be adequate to his voice). c.) an accusa- c.) an accusative, when qualifying the object of tive. the verbs of calling and naming, of esteeming, holding for, considering, knowing as, of making, appointing, elect- ing and the like. M. 2, 140 तमाचार्य प्रचक्षते (him they call a teacher), Nala 3, 22 i fafa (know me being Nala), Mudr. III alte cat fandąumų (Cânakya has made king a çûdra, the son of Mura), Pat. I, p. 332 तण्डुलानोदनं पचति (he boils rice to a jelly ), Panc. 3 एतानर्थशास्त्रं प्रति द्राग्ययानन्यसदृशान्विदधासि तथा कुरु Con- current NB. It is superfluous to give some more instances of diom that well-known type, but it must be observed, that Sanskrit has also other concurrent idioms, it often pre- fers. Note in the first place, the nominative with 3d, 2¹ the instrumental of abstract nouns. Both are equi- valent to the nomin. or accus. of the completing pre- dicate. Instead of ब्राह्मणं भवन्तं संभावयामि ( 1 hold you for a brahman), it is also said ia ka or ब्राह्मणवेन भत्र ; the same of course applies to the passive construction. B. 3, 9, 11 वनं दाउका इति विश्रुतं प्रस्थितस्त्वम् (you have set out for the forest, called Dandaka), Kâç. on P. 1, 1, 1 वृद्धिशब्द: संत्तात्वेन विधीयते (orddhi is established [here] & grammatical term). A more detailed account of those idioms will be given in the course of this book.