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38. Scheme of the cases. 26 § 37-38. III-VII will contain the syntax of the cases, chapt. VIII the periphrastic expression of case-relations; in chapt. IX the different kinds of compounds including also dvandva and karmadharaya, though logically be- longing to other categories will be gone through. GENERAL SCHEME OF THE CASES. The nominative or first case (प्रथमा sc. विभ- f) is expressive of the sentence's subject and predi- cate, see 1 and 5. Moreover the nominative is em- ployed to denote the noun taken by itself, apart from the sentence, as will be shown hereafter. The person addressed is put in the vocative. '). - 1) Though the vernacular grammarians have a proper term for the vo- cative âmantrita P. 2,3, 48 and even two for the vocative of the sing. (the voc, sing, especially is named sambuddhi, ibid. 49) it is however not considered a distinct eighth case, but an appendix to the nominative. PánIs1, after having stated (2, 3, 46) प्रातिपदिकार्थलिङ्गपरिमाणवचनमात्रे प्रथमा >the first case serves only to signify the gender and number of the thing designated by the word's rude form or prátípadika”, thus proceeds: - — - - - च (47) साऽऽमन्त्रितम् (48), that is it serves also to address, then it bears the name of amantrita." By the way I remark, that in translating P.'s rule on the proper sphere of the first case, I have dissented from the traditional interpretation. According to the commentaries affumur means »size" or "measure" such words as द्रोण, खारी, ग्राहक are given for examples X and is the grammatical number" so as to make the whole signify: the first case denotes the mere meaning of the pra- ipadika, the mere gender, the mere size (or weight), the mere number, " See f. ex. the Kâçika on our sûtra. That interpretation cannot be right. In the first place, in the Papinean terminology, it must be observed, prathame does not mean the word put in the nominative case, but only the suffix of that case, just as dvitiyê names the suffix of the accus., yfiyá that of the instrumental and so on. Now, to say in ear- nest, the prathama has the duty of denoting three things apart from the purport of the pratipadika, viz. linga or gender, parimâna or measure and vacana or number is unacceptable and almost ridiculous, for the suffix of the nominative cannot give us certain knowledge but as to two of