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50 § 66-67. is a concurrent construction, which is even generally preferred unless ambiguity would result from its employment, ep. 114. Agent of 71. Rem. Likewise both instrumental and genitive are available to P. 2.3. krtya. denote the agent with a krtya. As a rulo the instrumental is required, if the verbal sense prevail, but the genitive, if the krtya have the value of a noun adjective or substantive. Examples: instr. Panc. 167 (I am obliged to emigrate), Målat. II faz (what can I help here?), Vikram. I a. farai Hafs: (v. a. the audience are requested to listen with atten- tion); - gen. Panc. I, 450 pânut qfùeal Toun Adalai q8PAT: 18- för: qunmadi fa: (the learned are an object of dislike to the ignorant, the wealthy to the poor, the virtuous to the wicked and honest women to such as are of a loose conduct), ibid. P. 268 a man guat spawaniquni avn: (we, domestic animals, are a prey for wild beasts). Hence, when compounded with #, or, they are construed with gen., Panc. 176 ff Mrech. IV (p. 144) ming: ha a fenferunt quatų, When denoting a qua- 3. quality, attribute, circumstance ¹). 67. 8. Quality or attribute it is the abl. qualitatis of Latin grammar, but lity etc. the restrictions as to its employment in Latin do not exist in Sanskrit. So it is said (Kaçika) rfa valgal pla you seen a disciple with a pitcher?), ibid. on P. 2, 3, 37 cù (a treasury with little so Hitop. 125 : ses) comm. fùo ; R. 3, 7, 3 fafara: 4 (2 forest with manifold trees). (have serfü: expen. Examples of its attending a verb. Then it has the nature of Lat. abi. modi or circumstantiae. R. 2, 64, 47 fara, Panc. 161 aux amafa (a bridegroom approaches with a great noise of music), ibid. 28 Trat vagdaa vauvaidez unmanti, ancanaredu aat àu: [sc. raaum] (go to him and while living brotherly with him on the same spot, - 1) Pân.'s sutra is grama aut [sc. tr], which is expounded by Kâç. zrizidku mau »to name the laxaṇa or mark, which makes known some- body or something as possessing such quality, property, nature etc." It includes therefore the notions quality, attribute, circumstance. = P. 2, 3, 21.