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§ 67-70. 51 spend the time with eating, drinking, walking together), ibid. 162 et (while discoursing thus, the night passed and anafanantur away). 69. Rem. 1. Note a with instrum, to behave in such a manner," Panc. 56 #fouldim adungaçlaa. Rem. 2. Such instrumentals have verbs and may be considered so (77). compounds in aur and r, when V, p. 187 à vaid sozùm nnaq (methinks, the firmament dis- solves and falls down as rain). often the character of ad- Among others we mention as, by the way of." Meech. 70. 5. Price. doutant favà mudalui afevamad aan: (the fisher- men arrived...... with a great number of fishes they had killed and bore on their head). Here we are, indeed, on the very boun- dary of the sociative and the instr. of quality. 68. This instrumental is by far not so frequent as its equivalents in Latin and Greek, the attributes or accompanying circumstances generally finding their adequate expression in the bahuvrihi-com- pound, see chapt. X. Qualities and dispositions of temper and mind are also signified by compounds, beginning with the particle , as tay, , p. 184, R.; occasionally by periphrase, as Kam. 3, 3 enfant uran apar gara (with the utmost compassion he must succour the distressed). 4. test or criterion. ada(her chastity 12, 23 = Rem. 3. In some turns the instrumental of circumstance may show something of the fundamental character of the sociative. So R. 2, 37, 18 at et garan (with L. as your companion go to the forest, my son), ibid. 2, 30, 27 – tia na giùa zarinwinterd (I should forsake even heaven, my queen, if its attainment would be joint with grief of you). Similarly Panc. 309 Examples: Ragh. 15, 77 #añun gèfà Mede was inferred from her pure body), R. 3, umane Au aval (by the dignity of his person I conceive him a vessel of penance and self-control). Cp. Lat. magnos homines virtute metimur. 5. price or value. Examples : Panc. 318 atsafit: qyan at una mitffedfifat, Kaç. on P. 2, 3, 18 au qudunia, -