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$ 70-72. Panc. 3 mg farfanzi medeñand ani, R. 2, 34, 40 #quàd ad- (I choose exile, were it at the price of all my wishes). Likewise the instrum, is used to denote that, which is given in exchange for something: Panc. 152 fugfangfanifald (who takes [from mo] peeled sesam in exchange for unpeeled?) Rem. 1. The last but one example admits however also of an other interpretation, as : may signify above all my wishes." There are a good deal of instances proving, that Sanskrit had, especially in the ancient dialect, an instrum. of the thing surpassed of the same power as the so called ablativus comparationis. More on this subject see 107. 52 Rem. 2. The verb f (to hire) may be construed either P. 1,4, with the instrum. or with the dative of the wages; màj or mana af Both conceptions are logically right, 71. 6. way, by which. Panc. 212a qiður guet: Entent: (in 6. Way, what direction the crows have disappeared?). By a common- by which. place metaphor , q sim, are also used to signify the manner, 7. Can- in which one acts. Pane. I, 414 eur utafar a arfa I. 72. 7. cause, motive, reason. Examples: Daç. 198 sfa SHA sality (some boy, vexed by hunger and thirst), Ch. (instru- Up. 4, 10, 3 & anfànsafada (from sorrow he was not able to eat), Çik. IV dugatia jowam : (even when se) injured by your husband you should not oppose him from wrath). menta- is cau- Causality is also expressed by the ablative, and in some cases the latter is to be employed exclusively. But commonly both con- structions are promiscuous and occasionally found together in the same sentence. Panc. IV, 34 fau fanfarent set Adfort 1 vear: ay main fqùa a faama: (nothing is ambrosia and poison at the same time, woman alone excepted, hy whose union one lives, and the separation of whom causes death), Kathås. 29, 25 teren: ya jna: (it is from joy she has no appetite, not from illuess). — P. 2, 3, 23. 24 sq. Rem. The ablative is forbidden and accordingly the instrumen- P. 2, 3, tal is of necessity; if 1ly the cause or motive be at the same time the agont, see 102, 2ly if it be an abstract noun of the