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74-77. 9. It is said er forf and (he plays at dice). Cp. also R. (Gorr.) 3, 30, 4 fuar: with Mhbh. 13, 148, 2 it agd faciet q, Lat. pluit lapides or lapidibus. Similarly guy off and qua (to swear an oath). T Rem. In the old dialect of the Vedic mantras the instrum. attends on and just as the abl. on Latin potiri and fungi, see WEL DELBR. Abl. Loc. Instr. p. 65. To the instances adduced there I add the mantra in Açv. Grhy. 1, 23, 19 ilag nanfang an fata. 75. 10.) the set phrases 4415104 (or 1914), isaf sim., or in a negative forms etc. are con- strued with the instr. of that, which ,does not matter." 56 76. $ In the same way it is said for 276 ft. Or even it is said simply (what matters this ?). (what profit have achar onfund: (1 He, whom it does not matter, is put into the genitive. Examples: Panc, 285 for fun Turchia us I being cartwright?), Mâlav. III (p. 81) have nothing to meddle with M.), R. 2, 73, 2 F J anta * FÙA (what matters me the kingdom ?), Daç, 140 suni fardul 4, Mudr. I (p. 21) na anajua yor: tatayo a: (what profit may be derived from an unwise and coward [officer], though he be faithful?), Pat. I, p. 7 f¯ à gùª (what matters us this?), Çâk. V for fachghant ra. - quid faciam eo? Panc. when Rem. 1. Like , its derivative complies with instrum., »wanting-, being eager for, coveting." R. 3, 18, 4 Haut- f (he wants to be married), Mudr. V (p. 166) at factant- fafa: fafar (some of them long after the foe's trea- sures and elephants, some others are coveting his domains). apard Rem. 2. Note with instrum, »dependent on, in the power of," R. 3, 18, 9, Malat. VI (p. 97. Yet gen. and loc. are also available, cp. a - 2 . 124. 11.) with the instrum. expresses prohibition or an invitation to cease or to stop.