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77. 78. In- strama. of time. § 77-78. Vikram. I f (stop your cries), Câk, I al (well, no hesitation more), Mahâv. II (p. 25) und gràs aqur (cease your unparalleled penance). 57 Many instrumentals have more or less the character of adverbs, as U (mostly), (hardly), H (easily), and (with all my heart), etc. So R. 1, 13, 34a anafagiaatio ar (one should not bestow a gift in a disdainful manner nor in jest), Panc. II, 204 fantor atau and (he makes friends and does not con- verse with them falsely), Mrech. VII (p. 237) a a (auspicious be your way to your kinsmen), Mâlat. X (p. 165) 14- zzzania ana: af aramaumia sifonovy (nor can K. live longer either without her daughter). III. The instrumental of time serves to denote in what time something is accomplished. Not rarely this con- ception coincides with that of the time, after which some- thing is happening. Mengataseña: (the chapter was learned in (after) a montb). The same applies to space. Examples: Pane. 2 aan doo gantsaid: '). (v. a. grammar requires twelve years to be mastered), ibid. 237 faqatalunya ad ai: (in a few days he [the crow] grew strong like a peacock), Daç. 159 Sen and fun game (after some time the king's chief queen was delivered of a son), R. 1, 13, 35: far mencaman: fan, Pane. 282 lastatasunen: enfadad T: (as they went on, after no more than two yojanas the couple came in sight of some river). So fa:, : etc. = »in pro- cess of time," 1) The difference between this instrum. of time and the above mentioned acc. of time (54) is illustrated by these examples of the Kâçikâ: It is said (n) garatseta:, but maatscored a ad Tel: for if the subject ceases the action before having reached its aim, the in- strumental may not be employed." P. 2, 3, 6.