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§ 83. some of them ¹) either with dat. or with genitive. P.2, 3, atta, cale, care for a r } 16,2,3, 78. da Huld, and. Vikram. p. 62 . In the ninth act of the Mrcch. Cârudatta greets the judges with an

, wherea the chief judge answers him a

But R. 3, 24, 21 af is construed with a gen, fa margurat a dichai a. P. 1, 4, 4. Verbs of anger, jealousy, injuring, discontent agree 37. with the dative of the object of the animosity. Mhbh. 1, 3, 186 (the king felt angry towards Taxaka), Kathas. 17, 44 , past. 1, 1, 14 a greater (him he should never offend), Ait. Br. 8, 23, 11 nençà façù aramda anò au, Kad. I, 217 f (they find fault with the advice of their ministers), Mahâv. I (p. 18) ener (I am jealous of king Daçaratha). Rem. Yet with a (to hurt) the acc., with those of anger and jealousy the gen. and loc. or af are also available. When compounded, and y must agree with acc. af but firafa. 34. 5. Some other verbs, enumerated by Panini, viz. T (to praise), P. 1, 4, (to conceal), aq (to swear, to conjure) and ar. Here the da- tive is required of him, whom it is wanted to inform of some- thing, fi. The praises, to N.N." [here N.N. is the person addressed], Prabodh. III, p. 66 :: (I swear Tàu: a hundred times to the Buddhas), Naish. 1, 49 waar stalla - As to (concealing from the people his unsteadiness). not plain, what meaning it has here. By comparing with the examples adduced there by Kâçikå, fasa with Far, it is P. 1, 3, 23 a dat. may be= »he presents or he discovers himself to 2)," but (to find fault with) and 1) Viz. (vârtt. on P. 2, 3, 73). 2) The examples of Kaç. on 1, 3, 23 are fe ge; here is said to be 61 - , , , , ga, of, fer and their synonyms 18474174194.

fed qua

1 P. 1, 4, 38.