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§ 83-85. } Er with a dat. may also have had the meaning to have faith in affection to," Cvetâçv. Up. 3, 2 fm a fe famiana deg:, Naish. 7, 57. 6. P. 1, 4, 41 enjoins a dat. with the compound verbs #uni and fun, being technical terms of the ritual »to utter [a certain formula] after in reply to another." '¹). } 62 - 7. P. 1, 4, 39 mentions a dat, with verbs of casting one's na tivity etc., like , to denote him, on whose behalf this is done. We have here an instance of the dative of profit, treated in the following paragraph. 84. Sometimes the dative involves the notion of some Dat. commo- profit or damage caused by the action (dativus commodi and incom- et incommodi). Ch. Up. 6, 16, 1 avrannukan gud aga (be modi. has taken something, he has committed a theft, heat the hatchet for him), Kẩm, 3, 9 enficandufara xa sr at fannà a fe au A CA (for who, indeed, would do wrong for the sake of his body, a thing beset by sorrow and disease and de- stined to die some day or other ?), Daç. Uttar. page 19 of the ed, of Damaruvallabhaçarman T (from this day I och me Teng have come in bondage of her), Çak. III a le facsitasunfa. Here, as in 82, it is not the dative, that is remar- kable, but the faculty of substituting for it the geni- tive, as Çâk. III nela sadin quisafa a aforitentu d (whom this ointment and these lotus-leaves are sent for ?). The dat. commodi is often periphrased by ,,sim. 85. Verbs and nouns of befitting, suiting, counterpoising are Dat. construed with the dative. So the verbs a, qua [vårtt. 2 on P. 2, 3, 13], a, a, the nouns y, and the like with words of COUN- terpois ing etc. 1) The old language seems to have allowed more of such datives with compound verbs, so as to be the counterpart of Latin instat hosti, occurrit mihi and the like. So Apast. 1, 14, 15 facandantà andarey, ibid. II, 11, 3 pusr afavda (instead of us qº]. A curious dative of the same kind, it seems, is Daq. 149 atard and anafana.