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A Grand Fleet Chaplain's Note-Book

Third Edition. 5/- net.

"It brings to us as we sit at ease the very scent and sound of the sea, the murmurous crowded life of the ships that pass on their lawful occasions. … In this book is the Navy to the life. It can be nothing less. It is as convincing as a Somme film. Also it is literature. The book is one which any saint might be provoked to steal. ... This is a book which every Englishman would appreciate."—Church Times.


By the Author of "In the Northern Mists"

5/- net.

"I am seriously thinking of chaining 'Grand Fleet Days' to my bookcase, for it is written by the author of 'In the Northern Mists,' a book which has destroyed the morality of my friends. Be assured that I am not formulating any grave charge against the anonymous Chaplain of the Fleet who has provided us with these two delightful volumes; I merely wish to say that nothing can prevent people from purloining the first, and that drastic measures will have to be taken if I am to retain the second. Once again we have a broad-minded humour and the revelation of a most attractive personality. Above all we see our Grand Fleet as it is: and, if the grumblers would only read and soundly digest what our Chaplain has to say, their question would be, 'What is our Navy not doing?'"— Punch.

HODDER AND STOUGHTON, Publishers Warwick Square, London, E.C-4