Page:Science (journal) Volume 47 New Series 1918.djvu/11

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Vol. XLVII.J SCIENCE Vll BoTal Society Medallists, 15 Bobber, Emergency Supply of, H. M. Hall, and T. H. 6o(X>SPKED, 452 BuTHVBN, A. G., N. A. Amphibians and Beptiles, L. Stejneger and T. Barbour, 440 ., D. H., Anatomy of Woody Plants, £. 0. Jeffrey,

Sabin, F. B., Franklin Paine Mall, 254 Salisbury, B. D., Geology in Education, 325 Salicon, a. a. Winter-killing of grain, 173 Sakvord, F., a Beverse Concentration GeU, 438 Sabton. G., History of Science, G. Singer, 316 Scientific Events, 15, 37, 63, 86, 115, 134, 162, 185, 213, 232, 262, 285, 308, 337, 359, 383, 412, 433, 454, 481, 509, 529, 557, 581, 604, 630; Notes and News, 17, 41, 66, 90, 117, 138, 166, 187, 216, 235, 264, 289, 311, 340, 362, 386, 414, 436, 456, 483, 512, 531, 558, 585, 607, 633; Books, 23, 44, 71, 94, 120, 144, 171, 194, 221, 241, 270, 292, 316, 345, 368, 393, 418, 440, 461, 489, 518, 539, 563, 591. 612, 641; Laboratories, Destruction of, 40; Societies, Officers of, G. A. Millib, 191 ; Publica- tion, Coordination of, 604 Shaler Memorial Expedition, 233 Shabp, K. D., Our National Flower, 611 Signal Corps, Pbotographers for the, 263 Sifiiman Lectures, 482 SncicoNDB, N., and E. V. MoCollum, Professional Courteinr, 241 Singer, Cf., History of Science, G. Sabton, 316 Skeletons, Preparation of, B. G. Hublin, 22 Slides, Marking Microscope, M. K. Bbyan, 171; Microscopies, and Staining Technique. C. H. Ons, 219; Lantern, H. Gunthobp, 364; J. B. Bbnton, 489; L. D. Bublino, 639; Bryosoan, C. E. DiOKXR, 365 Slonakeb, J. B., Albino Bat, 594, and T. A. Cabd,

Shith, C. M., The Aurora Borealis, 291 Smith, D. E., Casting-counter and Counting-board, F. P. Barnard, 144 SviTH, H. I., Labelling of Exhibits, 603 Smith, H. M., Zoology and Human Welfare, 299 Smith, J. E., The Aurora of March 7, 1918, 314 SnYdeb, H., Conservation of Wheat, 429 Solution. Tension and Inductivity, H. HuOHSS,

Soil, Z. Northbup, 638

Spar, Iceland, C. L. Pabsons, 508 Spabks, M. E., Chemical Literature, 377 Special Articles, 24, 46, 72, 96, 123, 147, 173, 196, , 246, 271, 293, 320, 347, 371, 395, 420, 442, , 490, 519, 542, 567, 592, 615, 642 Spectroscopic, Investigation, E. B. Frost, 416 Spillman. W. J., A New Calendar, 488 Staining Technique, P. A. West, 22 Standard Time at Sea, 286 Stansfield, J., Bhythmic Precipitation, 70 Statistics, Vital, of England and Wales, 605 Stkbbins, J., The Aurora of March 7, 1918, 314 Steenbock, H., Vitamines and Nutrition, 119; and E. V. MoCollum, Professional Court^, 535 Stbjneoeb, L., Desmognathus Fuscus, 587 Stejneger, L., and T. Barbour, N. A. Amphibians and Beptiles, A. G. Buthven, 440 Stephenson, J. N., Translations, 488 Stewabt, G. W., Amer. Assoc, for the Adv. of Sci., Section B, 569 Stubtevant, A. H. Genetics and Agriculture, B. E. Clausen and E. B. Babcock, 641 Subsoils, "Rawness" of, F. J. Alway, 196 Sudan III., B. E. Bead, 562 Tea Drinking, B. A. Gobtneb, 269 Temperature, Becording, J. Adams, 539 Thermometric Nomenclature, C. F. Mabvin, 267 Thomas, A. W., Colloid Chemistry, 10 Thompson, W. P., Comparative Anatomy, 517 Thompson, W. S., Burai Sociology, P. L. Vogt, 24 Tin in Virginia, 529 ToMLiNSON, C. W., The Aurora Borealis, 291 ToBBST, H. B., Value of Zoolonr, 471 Translations, L. D. Bublino, 367; J. N. Stephen- son, 488 Trench Fever, 632 Turkey Buzzards, Albino, E. W. Gudgeb, 315 TuBNEB, W. F., Nezara Viridula of Pecan, 490 University and Educational News, 22, 42, 69, 92, 118, 141, 170, 191, 218, 238, 266, 290, 312, 342, 363, 389, 416, 438, 458, 486, 515, 535, 561, 587, 608 Van Duzee, E. P., Hemiptera, H. M. Pabshlbt,

Van Hise, C. B., The World War, 1, 27 Vabbelman, F. a.. Celluloid Cover Glasses, 639 Vital Statistics, English, 285 Vitamines and Nutrition, H. Steenbock, 119 Vogt, P. L., Bural Sociology, W. S. Thompson, 24 Vbiss, H. de. Mutation, 465; Endemic Species, 629 W., H. A., The Electron, B. S. Milllkan, 44 Wada, T., Minerals of Japan, G. F. Kttnz, 45 War, The World, C. B. Van Hise, 1, 27 Wabd, H. B., Zoology and Human Welfare, 299,

Wabben, H. C, a Common-sense Calendar, 375 War-time Service of Univ. of CWif., 64; Depart- ment Committee, 186; Orflranization of the Na- tional Besearch Council, 214; Work, and Amer- ican Botanists, G. B. Lyman, 279: of IT. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 361; of CHvil Engineers, 606; of Mining Engineers. 606; Inventions, 509 Washington, H. S., Chemical Analyses of Igneous Bocks, F. B. Adams, 368 Weidlein, B. B., Industrial Fellowships, 447 Wells, W. F., B. Coli Index, 46 Wkndt, G. L., Identity of Atomic Weights, 442 West, C. J., Lecithin, 389; Biological Chemical Literature, 623 West, P. A., Staining Technique, 22 Wheat, Conservation of, H. Snybeb, 429; Flour, Substitutes, B. N. Chapman, 579; Extracts of, C. H. Bailey, 645 Wheldale, M., Anthocyanin Pigments, B. A. Gobtneb, 418 Whitehead, A. N., Organization of Thought, C. J. Keyseb, 171 Whitman, F. P., The Aurora. 393 WiELAND. G. E., Cycadeoid Wood Structure, 141 Wildeb, H. H.. Desmognathus Fuscus, 390 Wilder, H. H., Desmognathus Fuscus, T. L. Casey,

Willis, J. C, Age and Area Hypothesis, 626 Digitized by Google