Page:Science (journal) Volume 47 New Series 1918.djvu/12

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Yiii SCIENCE l ,»- WiLSONy E. B., Proceedings of the Nat. Acad, of Wright, G. F., Pleistocene Glacial Period, 364 Sci., 121, 244 Wissler, C, and others, The Plains Indians, A.L. »yi.ia.i_xr -^ x, ha Keombb 241; The American Indian, 'b. B, f^^^^^ff ^^^l*?' ^^T J^'^^ DucoN 461 Zoologists and the BNA, T. B. Maoath, 192 WoLCOOT, G. N.. Animal Census of Two City Lots, Zoology, Value of, to Humanity, H. B. Wabd, 302,

349; Individual, H. B. Tobbky, 471; Utilitarian, 

WoLCOTT, R. H., Esthetical and Recreational Values M. P. Gdyeb, 477; Bsthetical and Recreational, of Zoological Science, 521 R. H. Wolcott, 521; Spiritual, W. C. Curtis, WooDWOBTH, C. W., Astigmatism and Coma, 459 571