Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/164

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with spiritual ideas. All Science must be divine, since no science is of human origin. Ideas are tangible and real to immortal consciousness; and they have the advantage of being eternal.

Mind and thought comprise the whole of God, expressed in the spiritual universe and man. Reason and revelation coincide in the statement, and afford it proof, that nothing unspiritual can be harmonious or eternal. The realization that all discord is unreal brings into human view, from their true source, thoughts and things beautiful and immortal.

The eternal verity of things, rightly understood, results in the attainment of truth, or spirituality, — a striking contrast to the farce of materialization. One tends to purity. The other is the downward tendency and earthward gravitation towards sensualism, or error. The elevating, healing effects, and the spiritual tendency of Christian Science, are streams which betray a pure fountain.

Nothing hygienic can exceed the healing power of Mind. By Mind alone I have prevented disease, preserved and restored health, healed chronic as well as acute ailments in their severest forms, elongated shortened limbs, relaxed rigid muscles, restored decaying bones to healthy conditions, brought back the lost substance of the lungs and caused them to resume their proper functions.

Apart from the usual opposition to the new, the greatest obstacle in the way of introducing a Christian sanative system is the ability to express its metaphysics by physical terms, so as to be understood by the reader who has not personally demonstrated my rules. This