Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/165

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difficulty is measurably overcome in practical teaching, where I can not only explicate spiritual meanings more fully, but the disciple can confirm his understanding by his own demonstration. Great care is needed to give the right interpretation, when translating physics back into the original spiritual text.

Christian Science explains all cause and effect as mental and not physical. It lifts the veil of mystery from Soul and body, shows the scientific relation of man to God, disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of being, and sets free the imprisoned thought — to know that in Science man and the universe, as well as their Divine Principle, are harmonious and eternal. Science reveals that what is termed matter is but a manifestation of mortal mind.

Science shows also that human views, conflicting mortal opinions and belief, at all times emit the odor of error, an atmosphere more destructive to morals and health than all other forms of miasma. Christian Science purifies this mental atmosphere, and thus invigorates and resuscitates the body.

Before the physical and moral effects of Christian Science are fully seen, Understanding and belief, Truth and error, Science and material sense, will meet in a war of ideas; and this war will continue until the thunderbolts of error die away in the distance, and the claims of Science are acknowledged.

Christendom resists my application of the word science to Christianity, or questions my use of it; but not on this account shall I lose faith in Christianity, nor will Christianity lose its hold on me.

The Principle of things must interpret both Science