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It is needless that the thought or the personality, holding the transferred picture, should be individually and consciously present. Though bodies are leagues apart, and the circumstances forgotten, they float in the general atmosphere of human mind.

The Scotch call such vision Second Sight; when really it is first sight instead of second, for it presents primal facts to the mind.

Though individuals have passed away, their mental environment remains, to be discerned and described. Mediumship would remove spiritualistic phenomena from the domain of reason into the realm of mysticism. Why? Pictures are mentally formed, before the artist can convey them to canvas. So is it with all material conceptions. Mind-readers perceive these pictures of thought. They copy or reproduce them, even when lost to the recognition of the mind where they are discoverable.

The mine knows naught of the emeralds within its rocks; the sea is ignorant of the pearls within its caverns, of the corals of its sharp reefs, of the tall ships which float on its bosom, or whose carcasses lie buried in its sands; yet these are all there. Think not that a mental concept is lost because you do not think of it. The true concept is never lost. The strong impressions produced on mortal mind by friendship, or any intense feeling, are lasting, and mind-readers can perceive and reproduce these impressions.

Clairvoyance is simply mortal mind-reading, whereas the Science of Mind is an immortal revealing of divine purpose, through the understanding, by which we gain the Principle and explanation of things. These are distinctly opposite standpoints, whence to interpret cause