Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/262

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and effect. Clairvoyance investigates and influences mortal thought only. Science is co-ordinate neither with the premises nor conclusions of mortal belief.

In Science we can do good, but not evil. Clairvoyance can do evil, can accuse wrongfully, and err in every direction. The sensual may be clairvoyant, but not scientific. The scientific cannot be sensual. Foresight, from a spiritual standpoint, is in accord with the prophetic character of the ancient worthies; but we foreshadow evil, and so bring it to pass, when we predict the future from a groundwork of error.

When sufficiently advanced in Science to blend with the Truth of Being, we become seers and prophets involuntarily, controlled not by demons, spirits, or demigods, but by the One Spirit, or God. It is the prerogative of ever-present Truth to know the past and present, and foreknow the future. It is a step towards Mind Science, whereby we discern man's real personality, to understand that Mind is not bounded by person, not dependent upon the ear and eye for sound and sight, or upon muscles and bones for locomotion.

Acquaintance with the Science of Being enables us to commune more largely with the One Mind, to foretell events that concern the universal good, to record Truth, to receive inspiration, to reach the range of fetterless Mind. Man cannot scan the works of God, or do well his own work, out of mere curiosity to know evil, or dive into the experiences of the dead.

All we correctly know of Mind comes from God, or Principle, and is learned through Christian Science. If this Science has been deeply learned and properly digested, we can read mind more accurately than the