Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/380

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usages are not allowed at the bar of Truth, which ranks above the lower Court of Error.

Science then read from the supreme statute-book, the Bible, — remarking that it was better authority than Blackstone, — certain extracts on the Rights of Man: —

Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, and let him have dominion over all the earth.

And I give you power over all things, that nothing shall by any means harm you.

Whoso believeth in Me shall not see death.

Then Science proved the witness, Nerve, to be a perjurer. Instead of a ruler in the Province of Body, wherein Mortal Man was reported to reside, Nerve was an insubordinate citizen, putting in false claims to office, and bearing false witness against Man. Turning suddenly to Personal Sense (by this time silent) Science continued: —

I ask your arrest, in the name of Almighty God, on three separate charges: perjury, treason, and conspiracy against the rights and existence of man.

Then Science continued: —

Another witness, equally unimportant, said that a garment of foul fur was spread over him by Morbid Secretion, on the night of the liver-attack; while the facts in the case show that this fur is a foreign substance, imported by Belief, the attorney for Personal Sense, who is in partnership with Error, and smuggles his goods into market without the inspection of Soul's government officers. Whenever the Court of Truth summons Furred Tongue to appear for examination he disappears, and is never more heard of.