Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/381

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Morbid Secretion is not an importer or dealer in fur, but we have heard Materia Medica explain how it is manufactured, and know the witness to be on friendly terms with the firm of Personal Sense, Error, & Co., receiving pay from them, and introducing their goods into the market. Also, be it known that Belief, the counsel for the plaintiff, Personal Sense, is a buyer for this firm. He manufactures for it, keeps a furnishing store, and advertises largely for his patrons.

Ulceration testified that he was absent from the Province of Body, when a message came from Belief, commanding him to take part in the homicide. At this request Ulceration repaired to the spot where the liver-complaint was in process, frightening away Materia Medica, who was then manacling the prisoner, in his pretended attempts to save him. Materia Medica was an unconscious participant in the misdeed for which the Health-officer had Mortal Man in custody, though Mortal Man was innocent of all crime.

Science then turned from the abashed witnesses, and pointed his words like sharpened steel at these worthies Materia Medica, Physiology, the felon Mesmerism, and the masker Mediumship, saying: —

God will smite you, O whited walls, for injuring, in your ignorance, the unfortunate Mortal Man who sought your aid in his struggles against liver-complaint. You came to his rescue, only to fasten upon him an offence of which he is innocent You aided and abetted Material Error. You sacrificed Mortal Man, meanwhile declaring Disease to be God's servant, and the righteous executor of His laws. Our higher statutes declare you all, witnesses, jurors, and judges, to be offenders, only awaiting the sentence which General Progress will pronounce.

We send our very best detectives to whatever locality is reported to be haunted by Disease; but, visiting the spot, they