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the finite and material drop the view, the infinite and spiritual extend and enlarge it.

The barometer, that little prophet of storm and sunshine, — denying the testimony of the senses, — points to fair weather in the midst of murky clouds and drenching rain.

To material sense the severance of the jugular vein takes away Life; but to spiritual sense, and in Science, Life goes on unchanged, being eternal. Temporal life is a false sense of existence. Science takes all evidence out of the hands of matter, and supports the substance of Spirit and the spiritual fact.

Science destroyed Ptolemy's purblind theory, that the earth is the astronomic centre, and revealed the true plan of the harmony of the spheres. Material sense, reversing the Science of Soul, would make mortal mind tributary to mortal body, and appoint certain sections of matter, such as brain, and nerves, as seats of pain and pleasure, whence matter reports to this mind its status of happiness or misery.

Our theories make the same mistake regarding Soul and body that Ptolemy made as to the solar system. They insist that Soul is in body, and Mind therefore tributary to matter. Science has destroyed the false theory as to the relations of the celestial bodies; and Science also will destroy the greater error as to our terrestrial bodies. The true idea and Principle of man will then appear.

Copernicus mapped out the stellar system; but before he spake, astrography was chaotic, and the heavenly fields unexplored. The Chaldean wise men read in the stars the fate of empires and the fortunes of men. No higher