Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/87

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revelation than the horoscope was to them displayed upon the empyrean, but earth and heaven were still bright, and bird and blossom were glad in the sunshine.

We have goodness and beauty to gladden the heart; but man, left to the hypotheses of material sense, unexplained by Science, would be as the wandering comet or desolate star, — “a weary searcher for a viewless home.”

The Ptolemaic blunder could not affect the harmony of being, as much as the error relating to Soul and body, — which reverses the order of Science, and assigns to matter the power and prerogative of Spirit, so that man becomes the most inharmonious body of the universe.

The senses of Spirit are without pain and forever at peace. Nothing can hide from them the beauty of all things, the might and permanence of Truth. What a transient support is mortal joy, when the power of light and lens may end with a wound on the retina! But mortals can never lose the sight or sense of what is real.

The Spirit's eye need not be subordinate to geometric altitudes. Whatever is governed by God is never for an instant deprived of the light and might of Intelligence and Life.

We should never inquire into bodily condition, structure, or economy, if we followed the command of our Master, “Take no thought for the body;” but we should be masters of the body, dictate terms to it, and form and control it with Truth.

The compounded minerals, or aggregate substances that compose the earth, the relations constituent masses hold to each other, the magnitudes, distances, and revolu-