Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/444

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this would be a Tree of Life, known by its fruits. We should renew our energies and endeavors, and see the folly of hypocrisy, while also learning the necessity of working out our own salvation. When we learn that sickness cannot kill us, and that we are not saved from sin or sickness by death, this understanding will quicken us. It will master our dread of the grave, and tend to destroy the ills of mortal existence.

The relinquishment of all faith in death, and also of the fear of its sting, would raise the standard of health Eternal banner. and morals far beyond its present elevation, and would enable us to hold the banner of Christianity aloft with unflinching faith in Life eternal. Sin brought death, and death will disappear with the disappearance of sin. Man is immortal, and the body cannot die, because it has no life to surrender. The illusions named death, disease, sickness, and sin are all that can be destroyed.

If it be true that man lives, this fact can never change to the opposite belief, that he dies. Life is the law of Life never contingent. Soul, even the law of the Spirit of Truth; and Soul is never without its representative. Man's individual Being can no more die, or disappear in unconsciousness, than can Soul, for both are immortal. If we believe in death now, we must disbelieve it when we learn there is no reality in death, for the Truth of Being is deathless. The belief that existence is contingent on matter must be met and mastered by Science, before Life can be understood and its harmony obtained.

Death is but another phase of the dream that existence can be structural. Nothing can interfere with