Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/445

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the harmony of Being, or end the existence of man. He is the same after as before a bone is broken, or Mortality vanquished. the body guillotined. If man is never to overcome death, why do the Scriptures say, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death”? The tenor of the Word shows that we shall obtain the victory over death, in proportion as we overcome sin in ourselves and others. One difficulty lies in our ignorance of what sin is. God, Truth, and Love make man undying. Immortal Mind, governing all, must be acknowledged as supreme in the physical realm, so called, as well as in the spiritual.

Called to the bed of death, what material remedy have we, when all such remedies have already failed? Spirit Last resort. is our last resort; but it should have been our first and only resort, not the last. The dream of death is to be mastered by Mind. Thought will waken from its own material declaration, “I am dead,” to catch this trumpet-word of Truth, “There is no death, no inaction, over-action, nor reaction.”

Life is real, and death is the illusion. A demonstration of the facts of Soul, in Jesus' way, resolves the Visions vanishing. dark visions of material sense into harmony and immortality. Our privilege, at this supreme moment, is to prove the words of our Master: “If any one keep my word, he will never see death.” To so divest our thought of false trusts and material evidences, in order that the spiritual facts of Being may appear, — that is the great attainment whereby we may sweep away the false and give place to the true. Thus we may establish in Truth the temple, or body, “whose builder and maker is God.”