Page:Scotland's skaith, or, The history o' Will & Jean (2).pdf/7

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Slockned now, refreſh'd and talking
In cam Meg (weel ſkill'd to pleaſe)
“Sirs! ye're ſurely tyr'd wi' walking:——
" Ye maun taſte my bread and cheeſe.”

Thanks quo' Will;—I canna tarry
"Pick mirk night is ſetting in,
"Jean poor thing's! her lane and eery——
“I maun to the road and run.”

Hoot! quo' Tam what's a' the hurry?
Hame's now, ſearce a mile o' gate——
Come! ſit down—Jean winna wearie:
Lord! I'm ſure its no ſae late!

Will o'ercome wi' Tam's oration,
Baith fell to and ate their fill,——
“ Tam! quo' Will in meer diſcretion
" We maun hae the widow's gill."

After ae gill cam anither——
Meg ſat cracking 'tween them twa,
Bang cam in Mat Smith and's brither,
Geordie Brown and Sandie Shaw.

Neebors wha ne'er thought to meet here,
Now ſat down wi? double glee,
Ilk gill aye grew ſweet and ſweeter;——
Will gat hame 'tween twa and three.

Jean, poor thing! had lang been greetin;
Will neiſt mornin blam'd tam lowes,
But ere lang, an Owkly meetin
Was ſet up at Maggic Howe's,