Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/19

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19 An honeft Highlandman not long fince, not much acquainted with law, fell out with one of his neighbours, and to the law they went; he employ- ed one advocate, and his oppofite an- nother, and as they were debating it in court before the judges, the high- landman being there prefent, a friend on his fide afked him how he thought it would go, or who would gain the day, indeed fays the highlandman his law man fpeaks well, and my lawman fpeaks well, I think we’ll both win, and the judges will lofe, for they fpeak but a word now and then. A young woman by the old acci- dent having got herfelf with child, was called to the feffion for fo doing, and after one elder another examining her how fhe got it, and where fhe got it, and what tempted her to get it; and no doubt the deel wad get her for the getting it: and laft of all the minifter fell a enquiring how fhe got it, which run the poor lafs out of all patience about the getting, fays the prieft, tell me plainly where it was gotten ? I tell you, faid fhe it was gotten in the byre,