Page:Scots piper's queries, or, John Falkirk's carriches (6).pdf/20

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20 at a cow’s; ftake, and what other place would you want to ken about ? but faid he, did he not tye you to the cow’s ftake ? No, faid fhe, I did not need any tying ; and how far was between the byre and the houfe ? Juft but and ben, up and down twa ftaps of a ftane flair : Then fays the prieft why did you not cry to the folks in the houfe? indeed fir, fays fhe, I could not get cried for the laughing at it A foldier being on a forlough from the north of Scotland, having got no breahfaft fell very hungry by the way and no alehoufe being near, came in to a farmer’s houfe and wifhed them to fell him fome bread, or any kind of victuals ; to which the furly goodwife replied, fhe never fold any bread, and was not going to begin with him, he had but three miles and a bittock to an alehoufe, and he might walk on, as fhe did fair enough when fhe gied bits of bread for naetbing to beggars, tho’ fhe gied nane to (illegible text) foldiers, he had naething to do there awa'. Hout, faid the goodman; gie’m a ladlefu’ o’ out kail, he’s been fomebody’s bairn