Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/36

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now belonged. Notwithstanding this satisfactory guarantee, Captain Dalgetty would still have hesitated, such was his anxiety to witness the fate of his companion Gustavus, had not two Highlanders seized him by the arms, two more pushed him on behind, while a fifth exclaimed, "Hout awa' wi' the daft Sasenach! does she no hear the laird bidding her up to her ain castle, and is na that very mickle honour for the like o' her?"

Thus impelled, Captain Dalgetty could only keep a reverted eye towards the galley in which he had left the partner of his military toils. In a few minutes afterwards he found himself involved in the total darkness of a staircase, which, entering from the low-browed cavern which we have mentioned, winded upwards through the entrails of the living rock.

"The cursed Highland salvages," muttered the captain, half aloud; "what is to become of me if Gustavus, the namesake of the invincible Lion of the Protestant