Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/37

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league, should be lamed among their untenty hands."

"Have no fear of that," said the voice of Sir Duncan, who was nearer to him than he imagined; "my men are accustomed to handle horses, both in embarking and dressing them, and you will soon see Gustavus as safe as when you last dismounted from his back."

Captain Dalgetty knew the world too well to offer any further remonstrance, whatever uneasiness he might suppress within his own bosom. A step or two higher up the stair shewed light and a door, and an iron-grated wicket led him out upon a gallery cut in the open face of the rock, extending a space of about six or eight yards, until he reached a second door, where the path re-entered the rock, and which was also defended by an iron portcullis. "An admirable traverse," observed the Captain; "and if commanded by a field-piece, or even a few musquets,