Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/38

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quite sufficient to ensure the place against a storming party."

Sir Duncan Campbell made no answer at the time; but, the moment afterwards, when they had entered the second cavern, he struck with the stick which he had in his hand, first on the one side, and then on the other of the wicket, and the sullen ringing sound which replied to the blows, made Captain Dalgetty sensible that there was a gun placed on each side for the purpose of raking the gallery through which they had passed, although the embrasures, through which they might be fired on occasion, were masqued on the outside with sods and loose stones. Having ascended the second stair-case, they found themselves again on an open platform and gallery, exposed to a fire both of musquetry and wall-guns, if, being come with hostile intent, they had ventured farther. A third flight of steps, cut in the rock like the former, but not caverned over, led them finally