Page:Sean-Chaint na nDéise - Sheehan.pdf/38

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Bu’ ḃreaġ leat ḃeiṫ ag ÉIsteaċt léiṫe ṫá sí ċú deas son de cainteóir. You would like to listen to her, she speaks so well.
9. Ní ḋéanfaḋ a saoġal ḋe aċ mar aṫá sé. Nothing could make him different to what he is.
(There is a kind of “o” sound between the deep “l” of saoġal and the following ḋe.)
Nín mé déanaḋ droċḟear de. I am not trying to represent him as a bad man.
Ná déin ao’ rud ’om [dom] cAInt. Don't mind what I am saying. I am not in earnest.
Duḃairt sé ná ḃeaḋ sé númaint na huaire, aċ do ḋineas neaṁniḋ (nyav-nee″) de. He said he would not be a minute (in coming), but I made light of his words. (Lit., made nothing of him.)
D’aḋmad a ḋineag iad. They were made of wood.
Ḋe sin a ḋineadar amaċ go tusa ḃí ann. From that they inferred that it was you who were there.
10. B’ḟéidir go ḃfuilim sa t-sliġe ḋi. Perhaps I am in her way.
11. Ní ḋ’airi’ mé riaṁ cad a ḃíonn do-n-a leiṫéid. I never heard what (salary) such people receive. (Lit., to their like).
Sgilling sa ló do’n sgláḃuiḋe (=v). A shilling a day is the labourer’s hire.
Nín aon tUIm [t-suim] do’n iasg son, déineann sé na líonta gan ṁaiṫ. That fish is considered worthless, it destroys the nets.