Page:Sean-Chaint na nDéise - Sheehan.pdf/39

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12. Is fada dhó-san" 'na He has been a priest shagart. this long time. Is fada dhí-sin" curtha. It is a long time ago

                              since she was buried.

13. Fear do’n ainm sin A man of that name —do’n t-sloinne céadna. --of the same surname.

Ní do’n shloinne sin a That is not the sur- dh'ainmnighe" ann na daoine name by which the people iad. call them.

Note that sloinne aspirates or prefixes t.

14. N'fheadar mé é sin I cannot answer you duit. that question. Sa chaint dóibh. Whilst they were


15. Thá sé dh'ainm aige. He has the reputation,

                                 name, of it.

Bhí mé a' féachaint amach I was looking out for do san. that, on my guard against


Do bhr-eath sé go raibh He noticed that I was mé [ag] tabhairt iarrach[t] making a cut at him (of do. speech).

16. Cad bu’ chor duit What happened you annson’? then? How did you fare


Pé rud is cor dúinn. However we fare (or

                                    shall fare).

Troid (thred) amach duit Fight it out yourself. héin é.

17. Chuadar chu’ fada le I went as far as B. to B. chun gaol dom. (see) a cousin of mine.

 Thá sé i dtuisgint duit              You understand it now.
