Page:Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania Report of Progress PPP.djvu/35

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PPP. 21
Fig. 12. A fragment of shale preserving the remains of fifteen young individuals, nine of which are to be seen on the side represented in the figure.
Chemung group ; Warren, Pa.
Echinaris Punctata, Hall.
Page 6.
Fig 13. A nearly entire individual showing the form and relation of the parts, and the number of naked abdominal segments.
" 14. An enrolled specimen, with the valves partially opened and the abdomen extended along the ventrum. The specimen shows in a very satisfactory manner the optic spots, the number and distribution of the nodes, and the limits of the cephalic region.
" 15. id. Lateral view, showing the position of the abdomen in this example. The specimen is flattened, and does not represent the normal convexity of the valves.
" 16. The ventral side of zu. specimen preserving the mandibles in situ.
Hamilton group ; New York.
Elymocaris siliqua,Beecher.
Page 13.
Fig 1. A specimen wanting the anterior portion of the carpace, but preserving the abdomen and telson, with its appendages.
" 2. The carnpace with the valves sepearted, showing their form with the rounded elevations and optic nodes on the Cephalic portion.
Chemung group ; Warren, Pa.